Sunday, 29 July 2012

ACM Sketch / Play

Be Honest and Trustworthy

Give Proper Credit for Intellectual Property

(Subtitle timing were a bit late)
Be honest and trustworthy. - information
Honesty is an essential component of trust. Without trust an organization cannot function effectively. The honest computing professional will not make deliberately false or deceptive claims about a system or system design, but will instead provide full disclosure of all pertinent system limitations and problems.
A computer professional has a duty to be honest about his or her own qualifications, and about any circumstances that might lead to conflicts of interest.
Membership in volunteer organizations such as ACM may at times place individuals in situations where their statements or actions could be interpreted as carrying the "weight" of a larger group of professionals. An ACM member will exercise care to not misrepresent ACM or positions and policies of ACM or any ACM units.

Give Proper Credit for Intellectual Property - information

Computing professionals are obligated to protect the integrity of intellectual property. Specifically, one must not take credit for other's ideas or work, even in cases where the work has not been explicitly protected by copyright, patent, etc.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Understanding Ethical Issues in Networking

Email SPAM – Group 1
1.       What is SPAM and its main purpose? How the sender gets the email address?
2.    CAN SPAM Act of 2003- The law divide emails sent by business into three categories. Explain these 3   categories
3.        Discuss the act of Spamming from the perspectives of Kantianism
Pornography – Group 1
4.        Pornography is immoral. How do you explain that from Kantianism viewpoints?

      Answer 1
·         In electronic term, spam is the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk message indiscriminately.
·         Spamming simply means trying to advertise constantly to someone who didn't ask to be advertised to. The most common way it used to be done was through emails. It became such a problem that there is an international CAN-SPAM act that every online business has to follow.
·         Spammers collect email addresses from chatrooms, websites, customer lists, newsgroups, and viruses which harvest users' address books, and are sold to other spammers. They also use a practice known as "email appending" or "epending" in which they use known information about their target (such as a postal address) to search for the target's email address.
·         For example, when we fill the forms on the websites which are unfamiliar. This is not phishing. Phishing is when unsuspecting victim give out their details on fake websites. After we give out our phone numbers or email address to their mailing list, not only they sell out our emails address, but they also spam us with emails such as new viagra products advertisement, phishing links, viruses or even unclaimed 2 billion dollars waiting for us to claim.

Example of spam other than email spam
·         Instant messaging spam
·         Usenet newsgroup spam
·         Web search engine spam
·         Spam in blogs
·         Wiki spam
·         Online classified ads spam
·         Mobile phone messaging spam
·         Internet forum spam
·         Junk fax transmissions
·         Social networking spam
·         Television advertising
·         File sharing network spam

Answer 2
·         This is some of the excerpt from the Can Spam Act of 2003 :
·         The Spam Act says that unsolicited commercial electronic messages must not be sent.
·         Messages should only be sent to an address when it is known that the person responsible for that address has consented to receive it.
·         A single message may be spam. The message does not need to be sent in bulk, or received in bulk.
·         3 Categories :

·         Transactional Content – messages that relate to existing business relationships or transactions.
·         For Example, bank statements from Maybank.
·         Commercial Content – messages that promote or advertise products or services
·         This advertisement from RTM’s NTV7 promotes new products and service, and it is legal.
·         Other Content – messages that are neither Commercial or Transactional
·         There are also spam emails which are illegal such as scam fraud which promises business opportunities or even rewards.

Answer 3
·         Kantian ethics are deontological, revolving entirely around duty rather than emotions or end goals. People’s actions ought to be guided by moral laws and these laws must be based on reason.
·         Scenario Example
·         Suppose I have a great new product that I wish to advertise. I send unsolicited emails to a large group of people knowing only a tiny fraction are interested.
·         It is not ethical in the perspective of Kantianism, because in this example, we do know that we can advertise using other media and show it to the right audience, other than sending spam emails.
Answer 4
·         Based on the formulation, we can derive two viewpoints. Based on the first formulation, it is stated that :-
·         Act only from moral rules that you can at the same time will to be universal moral laws.
·         Because it is inappropriate for younger persons, it is immoral when we try to make it universal.
·         And the second formulation states that :-
·         Act so that you always treat yourself and other people as ends in themselves and never only as means to an end.
·         For example, we use the body of others to gain profit for ourselves. We record it and sell it on the internet or via other methods. It is fine in the western country, but not in our country if we apply Kantianism. The goal of the person is gained unethically.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Academic Writing

                                   Importance of Ethics Among IT Professionals

Ethics are not only important to the people who are majoring in IT, but are also important and compulsory to many aspects and fields in our line of work. Without ethics, there might be negative effects and consequences affecting us and our society. In a basic term, ethics are methods, procedures or perspective which helps people on how to act, analyze and solve complicated problems and issues. While this term may be shared among many fields, different fields possess different code of ethics which depends on the their aims and goals. Choosing not to study and adhere to the different type of ethics may cause negative effects and impacts to the company. Moreover, being ethical is important in becoming professionals, regardless of jobs or fields. It is considered as valuable assets in gaining reputation for any type of company.

                In the field of information technology, ethics help the professionals distinguish between right and wrong related to the computational field. This can be seen in one of the Golden Rules of the professional conduct ; “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Another example is the Heuristic Methods; also a code of conduct which aid in differentiating  between ethical and unethical behavior, thus enabling the person to recognize solutions and solving the ethical problems encountered.

                Although humans were thought in differentiating between right and wrong since birth via parenting, we would have to choose our own path when ascending into adults. So, we should learn and adhere to the code of ethics based on our chosen profession. Thus, ethics for IT professionals exists. IT experts of any level would intentionally or unintentionally do the wrong things if they are do not study the code of ethics based on their field. Ethics for computer networking may be different from the one of a system analyst.

                Learning and adhere to the ethics related to someone’s profession helps in improving cooperation and teamwork between IT professionals, enabling the person to work with any individuals with different backgrounds. Most of the time, teamwork coordination is required especially when dealing with a large project, which is important as it involves huge amount of money. Careful planning and management is required to accomplish the projects. Unethical people will render the project uncompleted or full of flaws. Coordination of teamwork will fail and thus affecting the outcome of the huge amount of money. For example, in a meeting, a person with knowledge of ethics may be able to express his or her idea in a constructive form while accepting ideas from another person. Vice versa, a person without ethics may give their opinions but may attack other people’s opinion and ideas in order to uphold their own. In turn, this will jeopardize the meeting or even fail them.

                As we know that any work must be done in an ethical manner, so that the work is of a high level of accuracy and quality. IT professionals must have knowledge of the ethics of work, where the responsibility lies on them to produce an efficient work.

For example, making and developing software require from the developers the awareness of ethics and to realize the duties in the design stages, so they don’t take the opportunity to find a program to harm users; and thus the damage is done to the environment in which they operates.

Ethics in the work is not only limited in the case of the development of a particular program or to perform the task concerned, but should be the mainstay for these professionals to be working in its required level. For this, lack of knowledge of the need for ethics in the workplace and in life is possible factor that causes the workflow to stop.

However, if the worker only depends on doing the job without looking at the meaning of the great speech which covered ethics, or is not aware of the meaning of this word will not be able to reach the target set for him, and he will not be able to deliver his work as expected. Hence, IT professionals need to take into account that ethics should sprung from inside because it lead to the success in life work.

Ethics is important in our daily life to act properly toward the behavior of the social society. In the organization the ethic become part of it. It improves the performance and credibility of an organization and keep the harmony in balance. It became part of the organization culture. There are also some of the organization focus the list of the ethical value that are to be followed by the staff to stress on the safe and ethical working environment. Employees need to know how company views these values, just as they need to know what ideals company consider being important.

The organization has to define a set of values which represent the ethical ideals of that company and identify it. Employers need to consider the ethical workspace of their staff by establishing confidential arrangements for ‘whistle blowing’ independent of the normal chain of command, including ethical evaluations into formal performance assessment processes, including ethical evaluations into formal performance assessment processes, including ethical standards into employee hiring, employment contracts and training, make sure there is adequate planning, training and ethical performance monitoring when implementing change.

According to RICS core values, every member is expected to have a set of central values. This included are an act with integrity that never put your own gain above the welfare of your clients or others to whom you have a professional responsibility. Respect their confidentiality at all times and always consider the wider interests of society in your judgments. Always be honest and trustworthy in all that you do and be open and transparent to share the full facts with your client to make things as intelligible as possible. It is a must to be accountable in which we need to take a full responsibility for every of your actions, and never to blame others if things go wrong but instead to cope with the problems professionally.

In RICS also added that, we need to act within your limitation so that we are aware of our limits of our competence and not to tempted to work beyond these. It is always good to practically treat others with respect and never to discriminate against others regardless of their background and status. With that highlighted, we need to have the courage to make a stand to be prepared to act if you suspect a risk to safety or malpractice of any sort. Lastly in the values, it encourage us to set a positive and good example in which we should never put aside to remember both your public and private behavior as it could affect us and other members’ reputations.

In an organization, studying ethics and its code of conduct aid in improving the performance and workforce of the company. Our society respects an organization which is driven by moral values, even if the field of the company is unknown to many. Ethics may help in the creating a ‘goodwill’ of a company.

Decision making is very important in an IT company or field. Decisions of a person are driven by his or her values. For example, an organization which does not follow the code of ethics dedicated to the company will try to crush its competitors and monopolize the business in the market.

Lastly, proper education of ethics will definitely help to protect individuals in the IT profession from harm because it encourages fairness and honesty. Every graduated student may want to work in a company or organization which practices fairness and ethics. Employee can work comfortably, not facing any misconduct from other fellow employees. In turn, this will contribute better for the company or organization.

                                                                                                                      - 1300 words